Presenting in Public
Stuttering and stammering at the thought of public speaking in front of sixty people, sixteen or even six?
Do you forget key points you need to say or does your mind go completely blank?
Do you feel physically sick at the thought of presenting?
Does your mouth go dry, your palms get sweaty, hair stand up on the back of your neck?
You are allowing the most undeveloped part of your brain to do the most sophisticated work of communication.
Let’s get you using your intellect to dissolve the feelings of nerves and anxiety so that you can communicate with confidence and clarity.

Confident Conversations
Do you struggle with one one-on-one conversation?
Do you ever leave a business or personal meeting thinking that you wished you’d have said this or that, but totally forgot, or worse still, lacked the guts to say it?
Isn’t it time to overcome this obstacle once and for all?
Do you feel you lack authority, or are you too authoritarian and have a barrier up to connecting?

Communication Skills
I used to suffer major anxiety when it came to public speaking.
The dreaded elevator pitch would make me want to vanish into thin air.
I really do understand what you’re going through, and more importantly, the techniques I learned to turn things around.
How about the way you communicate within personal relationships?
Do you feel heard and are you able to state clearly what you want and need from your partner?
How about from your friends? What about your children?

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