I'm grateful for the opportunities I've had to heal many beautiful hearts last year, including my own. 💛
This week, two more fantastic women who are tired of repeating the same patterns, over and over, began six week Emotional Recalibration programmes.❤️🩹
They are tired of feeling empty.
They are tired of failing to get their needs met.
They are questioning who they are in their relationships.
They are ready to finally start the journey of self awareness and healing their #innerchild through the work of Emotional Recalibration. 💫
They can't face another year of suffering quietly inside. so they are going to face themselves instead.
And we're going to take off their masks. 🎭 One by one. We'll peel them back like layers of onion. 🧅 Then we'll find you, the real you, inside. 🎭
Ask yourself when you last bravely and fearlessly shared what is really going on deep inside for you, with someone who can hold space with courage and love. When did you last express your real truth, not your bullsh1t? 🥺
Both women committed to start their process with me before the last year was out. This is the time of year seems to be when we need healing the most. ❤️🩹
Inside of us is an untainted, unbroken and pure essence. You may call it soul, spirit, god, life force or whatever you want. You may understand that you are energetically connected to everyone and everything, or you may think you are here, all alone, by accident. You may believe you are visiting this little planet just the once, or that you have lived and died a thousand times. It doesn't matter what you think now, because thoughts can be changed... Inside of us is a pure essence. Pure. Your essence is pure. Nothing can taint it or change it.
If these words have triggered you in any way, please remember, anything is possible. Even the word impossible can be re-written I'm Possible...
If you want to feel instantly centred, place your hands on your heart, take a slow and steady inhalation, let it go, repeat twice more and remember you are a child of the universe and it is your right to be here.
I'm leaving a beautiful testimonial here, because today is a day to count my blessings.
Sending out love.
Be the light.
May we become what we focus on. 💫🕊️ 💛
“Thank you Dear Magical One,✨
you played a very important part in this extraordinary journey of coming home, to me.
We are all works in progress, trialling and erroring the ways we serve our brilliant to the world.
Your special talent gets under the skin of the trauma and makes sense of it all, so the purest self can do what it’s here to do. 🙏🏻
Off to have a Spanish lesson now.
Adios, big love, Emma 🙏🏻💥💛”
With special thanks to Emma 💥 Boardman
#resilience #emotionalresilience #emotionaltraumarecovery #emotionalintelligence #overcomeanxiety #innerchildhealing #innerchildwork #selflove #personaldevelopment #highlysensitiveperson #traumahealing #estrangement #estrangedfamily #abuserecovery #narcissisticabuserecovery #motherwound #fatherwound #lowselfesteem